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Is there an old man at home? Why buy them a massage chair

Time:2023-03-15 14:33:05

There are elderly people at home. Buying them a massage chair can bring multiple benefits. Here are the details:

Relieve physical fatigue: With the growth of age, the physical functions of the elderly gradually decline, and they are prone to feel fatigue and discomfort, especially in joints, spine and other parts. The massage chair can relieve the fatigue and discomfort of the body and improve the comfort of the body through various massage methods.

Improve immunity: The immunity of the elderly is relatively low and vulnerable to the influence of the external environment. The massage mode of the massage chair can stimulate the nervous system and immune system of the human body, promote blood circulation and lymph flow, thus improving immunity and preventing disease.

Improve sleep quality: The elderly have poor sleep quality and are prone to insomnia and other problems. The massage mode of the massage chair can relax the muscle tissue, stimulate the nervous system, and produce a sense of comfort, thus improving the quality of sleep, and is conducive to health.

All-round massage: all parts of the body of the elderly need to be massaged, but the human hand cannot completely cover all parts. The massage chair has a variety of built-in massage functions, which can provide all-round massage services for the elderly, including head, neck, back, buttocks, legs and soles.

Convenient and practical: It is inconvenient for the elderly to travel, so it is not convenient to go to a professional massage institution or hospital for massage treatment. The massage chair can be used at home, and the massage mode can be changed at any time and place, thus avoiding the tedious work of appointment and queuing.

It should be noted that the elderly should control the time and intensity when using the massage chair, and should not use it for too long or too long to avoid unnecessary damage to the body. In addition, when purchasing a massage chair, it is also necessary to take into account the price, function, brand and place of use and other factors, select a massage chair suitable for the elderly, and seek the advice of a professional doctor.