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How effective is the massage chair in relieving insomnia?

Time:2023-03-15 14:32:12

Massage chair can relieve insomnia, but its effect varies from person to person. The following is an introduction to the effect of massage chair on insomnia:

Relax muscles: One of the main reasons for insomnia is excessive body tension and muscle tension. The massage chair can relax muscle tissue and reduce tension through a variety of massage methods, thus helping to improve insomnia.

Stimulate the nervous system: the massage chair can stimulate the nervous system of the human body, promote blood circulation, increase oxygen supply, improve body condition, and improve sleep quality.

Alleviate anxiety: anxiety is also one of the common causes of insomnia. The massage chair can relieve physical and mental pressure, reduce anxiety, and let people fall asleep faster.

Generation of comfort: the massage process of the massage chair will produce a warm, soft and comfortable feeling, which can stimulate the secretion of hormones inside the body and promote sleep.

It should be noted that the relief effect of massage chair on insomnia varies from person to person, and different types of insomnia may require different treatment methods. If the insomnia symptoms are serious, it is recommended to choose the appropriate treatment scheme under the advice of the consulting doctor to avoid delaying the illness. In addition, when using the massage chair, the time and intensity should be controlled. It should not be used excessively or for too long to avoid negative effects on the body.