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Beginners must see! Correct posture and precautions for using massage chair

Time:2023-03-15 14:36:09

The following items and correct posture should be noted when using the massage chair:

Select the appropriate massage intensity and time: when using the massage chair for the first time, you can start with a lower massage intensity and gradually increase the massage time and intensity. Generally speaking, each massage should not exceed half an hour.

Adjust the sitting posture: Before using the massage chair, adjust the chair to the appropriate height, and adjust the sitting posture so that the feet are flat on the bottom of the feet, and the back is close to the back of the chair.

Pay attention to the body reaction: when massaging on the massage chair, pay attention to the body reaction. If there is discomfort or pain, stop using immediately.

Avoid empty stomach use: Avoid empty stomach before using the massage chair to avoid affecting your health.

Keep the body stable: the massage chair can produce strong massage strength and vibration, and should keep the body stable, especially the head, neck and back.

Pay attention to the massage part: the massage chair has a variety of massage functions, and each massage method has its own massage part. When using the massage chair, appropriate massage methods and parts should be selected to achieve the best massage effect.

Stop at any time: If you feel unwell or want to stop the massage during the massage, you should stop at any time to avoid unnecessary damage to your body.

Maintain the cleanness of the massage chair: after long-term use, the surface of the massage chair is easy to accumulate dust and bacteria, and should be cleaned and disinfected in time to ensure the use safety and sanitation.

In short, using the massage chair can improve the body condition, but it is necessary to pay attention to the correct use method and body reaction to avoid adverse effects on the body.