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The role of Massage chair in relieving Uterine fibroid

Time:2023-07-13 09:54:58

Uterine fibroid is a common gynecological tumor disease, which has caused troubles to the lives and health of countless women. In recent years, as one of the representatives of health care equipment, the Massage chair has attracted much attention. This article will discuss the role of the Massage chair in relieving Uterine fibroid, and deeply interpret the principle behind it.

Uterine fibroid is one of the most common tumors of women's reproductive organs, which forms in the Myometrium and belongs to benign myoma. It has a high incidence rate and great harm. It often causes irregular menstruation, abdominal pain, infertility and other symptoms, which seriously affects women's physical and mental health and quality of life. Traditional treatment methods include medication, surgery, etc., but with it comes the risk of side effects and recurrence.

As a modern health care instrument, the Massage chair plays an important role in relieving Uterine fibroid in its unique way. It uses Robotic arm, pneumatic device and other technical means to improve blood circulation, promote metabolism and improve physical condition through massage and conditioning of human muscles.

1. Relieve muscle pain: The Massage chair uses different types of massage techniques, such as kneading, tapping, massage, etc., to deeply stimulate receptors, relax tight muscles, and relieve pain and pressure.

2. Improve blood circulation: The Massage chair can promote blood circulation, increase blood oxygen content, provide more nutrients and oxygen for Uterine fibroid, and promote the absorption and metabolism of fibroids through massage and vibration.

3. Adjust endocrine: The massage and vibration of the Massage chair can stimulate the nervous system, adjust the balance of endocrine, and have obvious improvement effect on irregular menstruation and other related problems.

4. Promote immunity: The Massage chair has the effect of improving immunity. It helps to strengthen the body's resistance by promoting lymph circulation and enhancing the activity of immune cells.

1. Select a suitable Massage chair: select a suitable Massage chair model according to your own situation, pay attention to massage intensity, functional diversity, etc.

2. Adjust the massage intensity and time: when using the Massage chair for the first time, start from a lower massage intensity and gradually increase it. The massage time should be controlled within an appropriate range, usually between 15 and 30 minutes.

3. Adhere to use: The effect of the Massage chair is gradually accumulated, and it needs to be used consistently. You can develop a massage plan based on your personal situation, such as using it for 30 minutes a day, 2-3 times a week, etc.

As an advanced health care instrument, the Massage chair brings new hope and choice for the relief of Uterine fibroid. However, although the Massage chair has certain efficacy, not all patients are suitable for use. Before choosing to use the Massage chair, you should consult the relevant professional doctors for advice, and select the appropriate treatment method in combination with the treatment plan given by the doctors. In short, around the treatment of Uterine fibroid, we should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, combined with a variety of treatment methods, comprehensively improve the body's immune ability and self-healing ability, and jointly maintain women's health and happiness.