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The role of Massage chair in relieving headache caused by cervical spondylosis

Time:2023-07-13 09:45:33

Cervical spondylosis is a common disease, and one of its main symptoms is headache. Traditional treatment often requires drugs to relieve headache, but in recent years, the Massage chair, as a non drug treatment, has attracted more and more attention. This article will discuss the role, effectiveness and key points of Massage chair in relieving headache caused by cervical spondylosis.

Cervical spondylosis refers to a type of disease in which degenerative lesions occur in the cervical spine and its surrounding structures, leading to cervical dysfunction. Cervical spondylosis patients often have headaches, which may be caused by compression, stretching, or stimulation of the nerve roots or blood vessels in the cervical spine, causing head pain. Traditional treatment methods include medication, physical therapy, and manual treatment, but these methods often only temporarily alleviate symptoms.

The Massage chair is a device that can simulate the manual massage technique, and is equipped with a massage device and an intelligent control system. The Massage chair usually massages and relieves the neck and upper back through mechanical vibration, pressure and contour adaptation technology to improve the symptoms of patients with cervical spondylosis. The features of the Massage chair include adjustable massage intensity, multiple massage mode selections, and massage functions specifically for the cervical vertebra and head area.

1. Relax the neck muscles

Neck muscle tension is one of the common causes of headache in cervical spondylosis. The vibration massage of the Massage chair can relieve the pressure and discomfort of the neck and relieve the degree of headache by relaxing the tense muscles.

2. Improve blood circulation

Poor blood circulation in the neck often leads to headaches. The Massage chair can promote blood circulation in the neck and head area, increase blood supply and relieve headache symptoms through vibration and pressure stimulation.

3. Relieve nerve root compression

Cervical spondylosis often causes compression of the nerve roots, causing headaches. The Massage chair can accurately apply the massage force and rhythm by using precise techniques and techniques, alleviate the compression of nerve roots around the cervical spine, and relieve headache symptoms.

4. Relieve mental stress

Cervical spondylosis headache is often associated with mental stress and tension. The Massage chair provides comfortable massage experience, which helps to relieve mental pressure, relieve tension and further relieve headache.

1. Find a suitable massage mode: The Massage chair usually provides a variety of massage modes, and patients should choose a suitable mode according to their own needs. Generally speaking, choose a massage mode that focuses on the cervical spine and head.

2. Control the massage intensity: The massage intensity should be adjusted according to personal feelings. Excessive intensity may increase pain, while excessive intensity may not achieve the expected effect.

3. Evenly use the Massage chair: Evenly use the Massage chair to achieve better results. Patients should massage within an appropriate period of time, rather than using it continuously for a long time.

4. Cooperate with other treatment methods: Massage chair can be used as an auxiliary method to relieve headache, but it cannot replace other treatment methods. Patients should combine medication, physical therapy, and exercise to provide better results.

Massage chair is widely used in relieving headache of cervical spondylosis, and there have been some studies to support its effectiveness. However, due to individual differences and the complexity of the disease, the efficacy of the Massage chair may vary from person to person. Therefore, the patient should consult the doctor before using the Massage chair and ensure that it is used according to the doctor's recommendations.

Massage chair, as a non drug treatment, has a certain effect on relieving headache of cervical spondylosis. Massage chair can effectively relieve headache symptoms by relaxing muscles, improving blood circulation, relieving nerve root compression and relieving mental pressure. However, the patient should consult the doctor before using the Massage chair, select the appropriate massage mode and intensity according to personal conditions, and combine with other treatment methods to achieve better results.