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The role of Massage chair in relieving migraine

Time:2023-07-18 09:42:39

Migraine is a common and severe headache disease that often brings persistent discomfort to patients. Although there are many therapeutic methods to choose from, the Massage chair, as a non drug therapy, has gradually been welcomed and accepted by the public in recent years. This article will discuss the role of Massage chair in relieving migraine.

Migraine is a type of neurological headache characterized by symptoms such as unilateral headache, pulsating pain, nausea, vomiting, photosensitivity, and noise sensitivity. Its occurrence is related to abnormal excitation of the nervous system, often unable to be completely controlled through single drug therapy. Therefore, seeking other adjuvant therapies is one of the important means to alleviate migraine.

Working principle of Massage chair:

Massage chair is a device that transfers massage force to the body. It can provide users with a comprehensive massage experience in a comfortable environment by simulating traditional massage techniques and technologies. Its working principle is to massage specific acupoints and muscle tissues through a robotic arm and air pressure, thereby adjusting and balancing the energy flow of the body.


1. Relaxing muscles: During migraine attacks, muscle tension and stiffness in the head and neck are common symptoms. The Massage chair can relax tense muscles and improve muscle pain and stiffness by rotating, vibrating and kneading.

2. Relieve neural pressure: Migraine is often accompanied by excessive excitement and increased stress in the nervous system. The Massage chair can release pressure, promote physical and psychological relaxation, and alleviate migraine symptoms through massage and warming functions.

3. Improving blood circulation: The occurrence of migraine is related to blood circulation problems, and poor local blood circulation may be one of the reasons for migraine. The Massage chair can promote local blood circulation, increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrition, and help alleviate migraine by squeezing and massage.

4. Promote drug absorption: The Massage chair can improve the blood circulation of skin and tissues, which also helps to promote the absorption and decomposition of drugs, improve the utilization rate of drugs in the body, and thus enhance the therapeutic effect.

Precautions for use:

Although Massage chair has significant effect in relieving migraine, not all Massage chair are suitable for everyone. Before using the Massage chair, the patient should consult the doctor to determine whether the Massage chair is suitable for their specific situation.

Because the causes of migraine are complex, and everyone's symptoms and reactions are different, the effect of using the Massage chair will also be different. Therefore, patients need to reasonably use the Massage chair under the guidance of doctors, and adjust the massage intensity and time according to their own reactions.

As a non drug therapy, Massage chair can play an important role in relieving migraine. It alleviates the symptoms of migraine and improves the quality of life of patients by relaxing muscles, relieving nerve pressure, improving blood circulation, and promoting drug absorption. However, the use of the Massage chair requires the patient to be guided by the doctor and adjust according to their own conditions. With the correct use method and reasonable expectation, the Massage chair will continue to bring relief and relief to migraine patients.