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The role of Massage chair in relieving Neuralgia

Time:2023-07-18 09:35:05

Neuralgia is a common but serious disease, which brings severe pain and discomfort to patients. Although there are many treatments available, the Massage chair, as a non drug therapy, has been recognized and accepted by more and more people in recent years. This article will discuss the role of Massage chair in relieving Neuralgia.

Neuralgia is a symptom of pain caused by nerve damage or stimulation. It can be a symptom or a disease itself. Neuralgia may be caused by many reasons, such as neuritis, neuroma, prolapse of intervertebral disc, etc. Whatever the cause of Neuralgia, it will have a serious impact on the quality of life of patients.

Principle of Massage chair:

Massage chair is a device that uses Robotic arm and air pressure to transmit massage force to the body. By simulating the techniques and techniques of manual massage, the Massage chair can relieve muscle tension, relax nerves, promote blood circulation, and enhance the natural curative effect of the body.


1. Relieve muscle tension: Neuralgia is usually accompanied by muscle tension and spasm. The Massage chair can relax the tense muscles and improve the feeling of muscle soreness and stiffness by means of rotation, vibration and percussion.

2. Relax the nerves: patients with Neuralgia tend to be nervous and anxious, which will also aggravate the feeling of pain. The Massage chair can reduce nerve pressure, promote physical and psychological relaxation, and alleviate pain through massage and warming functions.

3. Promote blood circulation: Neuralgia is usually accompanied by poor local blood circulation, leading to tissue hypoxia and malnutrition. The Massage chair can promote local blood circulation, increase oxygen and nutrition delivery to the damaged Nervous tissue, and help restore the damaged function through squeezing and massage techniques.

4. Enhance natural curative effect: The Massage chair can promote the healing ability of the body itself by stimulating the skin, muscles and nerves. It can make the body release some chemicals, such as Endorphins, which is a natural pain killer and helps relieve pain.

Precautions for use:

Although Massage chair plays a significant role in relieving Neuralgia, not all Massage chair are suitable for everyone. Before using the Massage chair, the patient should consult the doctor to determine whether the Massage chair is suitable for their specific situation.

Because of the wide variety of Neuralgia and the different symptoms and reactions of each person, the treatment effect of using the Massage chair will also be different. Therefore, patients need to reasonably use the Massage chair under the guidance of doctors, and adjust the massage intensity and time according to their own reactions.

As a non drug therapy, Massage chair can play an important role in relieving Neuralgia. It alleviates pain and discomfort and improves the quality of life of patients by relaxing muscles, relieving nerve pressure, promoting blood circulation, and enhancing natural therapeutic effects. However, the use of the Massage chair requires the patient to be guided by the doctor and adjust according to their own conditions. With the correct use method and reasonable expectation, the Massage chair will continue to bring hope and relief to Neuralgia patients.