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What massage suggestions can a massage chair give?

Time:2023-03-27 10:23:52

With the rapid pace of modern life and the increasing pressure of work, people increasingly need to relax their bodies and minds to alleviate fatigue and stress. Massage chairs have become a very popular solution that can help people relax, relieve pain, and relax through massage. This article will provide some suggestions on the use of massage chairs to help people better enjoy the benefits of massage.

Choose a massage method that suits you

Different massage chairs have different massage methods, such as roller massage, pneumatic massage, vibration massage, etc. Each massage method is specific to specific areas and problems. For example, if you want to relieve shoulder and neck pain, you can choose roller massage; If you want to relieve lower back pain, you can choose an air compression massage. Therefore, when purchasing a massage chair, you should choose a massage method that suits your needs.

Adjust massage intensity

When performing a massage on a massage chair, gradually adjust the massage intensity according to your own feelings. You should initially choose a gentle massage intensity that gradually increases to the maximum intensity you can withstand. If you feel pain or discomfort, please stop massaging immediately.

Massage time and frequency

The massage time and frequency of the massage chair should be selected according to individual needs. Generally speaking, the time for each massage should be between 15-30 minutes. If you want to continue using the massage chair, it is recommended to use it twice a day, with an interval of at least 2 hours. However, excessive use of massage chairs can have a negative impact on the body, so excessive use should be avoided.

Dietary Precautions

When performing massage, attention should also be paid to diet. Excessive drinking, overeating, and high fat foods can affect the effectiveness of massage and physical health.

Sitting posture adjustment

When using a massage chair, sitting posture is also very important. Correct sitting posture can help massage machines better massage painful areas, while also reducing tension and stress. It is recommended to support the waist with a cushion to keep the spine upright.

Relax before starting

Before starting a massage, relaxing your body and mind through deep breathing and closed eye meditation can help improve the massage effect. During the massage process, you can relax your body and mind by listening to music, watching movies, and other ways to enhance the effect of the massage.

Bedtime massage

Using a massage chair before going to bed at night can help people relax and improve their sleep quality. Massage before bedtime is recommended, but excessive use should be avoided, as it may cause adverse effects.

In summary, the massage chair is a very convenient and practical massage tool. Carefully reading the user manual and adjusting the massage method and time according to personal needs can help you better enjoy the benefits of massage.