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The Essential Guide to Choosing and Using Massage Chairs for Health and Relaxation

Time:2024-03-12 15:04:27

As we age or spend prolonged hours at work, the daily toll on our bodies, especially the shoulders and lower back, often leads to various aches and pains. This is particularly intensified for the elderly, prompting many households to invest in massage chairs. However, selecting the right massage chair can be a daunting task. Today, we'll provide a brief overview of essential knowledge about massage chairs, including their benefits, usage, and considerations when choosing one.

01. Massage Chair Encyclopedia

Massage chairs operate by utilizing mechanical rolling and squeezing forces to mimic the effects of manual massage. Manual massage promotes the unblocking of meridians, enhances blood circulation, and maintains the body's yin-yang balance. Therefore, post-massage, individuals experience relaxed muscles, increased joint flexibility, heightened mental alertness, and fatigue relief—playing a crucial role in maintaining overall health.

For those spending extended hours sitting at work or studying, massage chairs facilitate improved blood circulation, alleviate lower back pain, prevent ailments, enhance sleep quality, relieve overall fatigue, improve posture, and promote a healthy body.

02. Methods of Using Massage Chairs

When using a massage chair, it's important to keep the sessions relatively short, typically within 30 minutes. Prolonged use may lead to adverse reactions such as pain or nausea.

During massage chair sessions, it is advisable not to eat or drink as the body experiences intense vibrations, especially in tapping modes, which could result in unexpected incidents.

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03. Target Audience for Massage Chairs

Shared massage chairs are designed for relaxation rather than therapeutic or medical purposes. For most individuals, the experience involves lying down, waiting for a brief moment, and then enjoying the pleasant sensations as the massage chair activates. However, certain groups of people should exercise caution or avoid using massage chairs blindly.

1. Patients with Neck and Lumbar Disc Issues:  Incorrect use of massage devices may lead to joint dislocation, worsening the condition. It is particularly risky during acute episodes; hence, massage chair usage should be avoided.

2. Individuals with Cardiovascular Conditions: Massage increases blood circulation, potentially triggering heart issues and hypertension in individuals with cardiovascular diseases.

3. Those with Osteoporosis: Individuals with osteoporosis, especially the elderly, should be cautious. Improper control of massage intensity can lead to fractures.

4. Patients with Skin Lesions, Ulcers, Bleeding, Tuberculosis, Tumors:  Such individuals should refrain from using massage devices to prevent surface irritation, dilation of blood vessels, increased local blood flow, and potential worsening of the condition.

For individuals without underlying health issues, it is advisable to avoid using massage devices on an empty stomach, when full, or under the influence of alcohol. Massage devices often use high-frequency mechanical vibrations and rolling to stimulate muscles and bones for massage effects. Prolonged and repetitive mechanical massage on a specific area could cause damage to muscles or even bones.


In conclusion, the decision to install a massage chair at home is a step toward holistic well-being, especially for the elderly and those with sedentary lifestyles. Understanding the basics of massage chairs, their benefits, and the appropriate usage guidelines is crucial. By making informed choices and being aware of potential contraindications, individuals can ensure a safe and enjoyable massage chair experience. Ultimately, the goal is to alleviate physical discomfort, promote relaxation, and contribute to an overall healthier lifestyle.