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The seven functions of the massage chair let you experience the family SPA

Time:2023-03-15 14:28:59

In the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, the massage chair can be used as an auxiliary therapy to relieve pain, but it is not the main treatment method. Therefore, before using the massage chair, you should first consult the doctor and follow the doctor's advice.

The following are the functions and precautions of the massage chair in relieving the pain of lumbar disc herniation:

Function of massage chair

The massage chair can increase local blood circulation, improve muscle stiffness and pain, and relieve the symptoms of lumbar disc herniation by simulating massage manipulation and vibration force. The massage chair can also provide the function of mild traction and stretch, which is helpful to reduce the nerve root compression and relieve the waist pain caused by incorrect sitting posture or other reasons.

matters needing attention

Although the massage chair can relieve the pain of lumbar disc herniation, the following points still need to be noted:

(1) First of all, you should consult the doctor whether it is suitable to use the massage chair for treatment, especially in the case of chronic diseases or serious cases;

(2) When using the massage chair, the time and intensity should be controlled. It should not be used excessively or for too long to avoid negative effects on the body;

(3) When using the massage chair, attention should be paid to maintaining the correct sitting posture to avoid pressing the lumbar intervertebral disc again and affecting the treatment effect;

(4) Massage chair can only be used as an auxiliary treatment method and can not substitute for formal medical treatment, such as acupuncture and moxibustion, physiotherapy, medication, etc.

To sum up, the massage chair can be used as one of the auxiliary treatment methods for lumbar disc herniation, but it must be used under the guidance of a doctor, and pay attention to the use method and precautions.