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How to use the Massage chair for spine massage

Time:2023-07-17 09:22:05

Nowadays, with the acceleration of social rhythm and the increase of work pressure, our bodies need more attention and care. As the support system of the body, the spine often bears pressure and burden, so maintaining the health of the spine is crucial. In daily life, people are increasingly aware of the importance of spine massage, and the use of Massage chair for spine massage has become a very popular way.

1、 Understand the type of Massage chair

Before choosing a suitable Massage chair, it is very important to understand the type of Massage chair. At present, there are many different types of Massage chair available in the market, such as full-automatic Massage chair, electric Massage chair and manual Massage chair. Different Massage chair have different functions and massage techniques, so you need to know enough about them before you buy them.

2、 Prepare Massage chair and massage environment

Before performing spinal massage, it is necessary to prepare accordingly. First, ensure that the Massage chair is in a comfortable position to avoid the existence of Confounding. Secondly, ensure that the power connection of the Massage chair is normal and the functions of the Massage chair are normal. Finally, setting up a suitable massage environment, such as comfortable temperature and music, can help relax the body and mind, and improve the massage effect.

3、 Choose the appropriate massage mode and intensity

The Massage chair usually has a variety of different massage modes and intensities to choose from. When using the Massage chair for spine massage, you can choose the appropriate massage mode and intensity according to your own needs and preferences. Common massage modes include massage, kneading, and tapping, and different massage methods can provide different effects. At the same time, the choice of intensity is also very important. Excessive intensity may cause discomfort to the body, while too low intensity may not achieve the expected massage effect.

4、 Correct sitting posture and posture

When using the Massage chair for spine massage, it is very important to maintain correct sitting posture and posture. Firstly, maintain a relaxed body and avoid overly stiff postures. Secondly, pay attention to the stability of the sitting posture and try not to sway left or right. Finally, the body's center of gravity should be placed on the spine to make the massage effect more pronounced.

5、 Massage time and frequency

The time and frequency of massage are also factors that need to be noted. When performing spine massage in the Massage chair, the time of each massage should not exceed 30 minutes, so as not to cause excessive pressure on the body. The frequency of massage can be adjusted according to your own needs and personal feelings. It is suggested that when you first use the Massage chair, you should massage 2-3 times a week, and then gradually increase the frequency and time.

Using the Massage chair to massage the spine is a very convenient and comfortable way, which can help us maintain the health of the spine and relieve fatigue and stress. By understanding the type of Massage chair, preparing the Massage chair and massage environment, selecting suitable massage mode and intensity, maintaining correct sitting posture and posture, and controlling massage time and frequency, we can obtain better massage effect. While enjoying the massage, remember to relax and feel the comfort and pleasure it brings. May your spine be healthy and your body and mind be happy!