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Five minute relaxation: Let the massage chair eliminate fatigue for you

Time:2023-05-31 09:42:43

With the acceleration of modern life pace, the pressure of work and study is also increasing, and people's work efficiency and quality of life are also affected. Physical and mental fatigue has become the norm for modern people, and if it cannot be alleviated in a timely manner, it may affect physical and mental health. Therefore, how to reasonably reduce fatigue has become a concern for modern people.

As a high-tech product for modern fatigue relief, massage chairs have become increasingly popular among people. The rich functions of massage chairs have attracted consumers' attention. The massage chair can not only perform various massage movements, but also preset massage modes. Through ergonomic design, it can better relieve physical and mental fatigue, eliminate tension, and ultimately transform into creativity and high work efficiency. However, some people may ask, "Why can massage chairs have this magical effect. Next, we will explain some of these principles through physiology.

The causes of physical fatigue are mainly related to factors such as the accumulation of free radicals, acid-base imbalance, lack of oxygen, muscle soreness, stiffness, and lactate accumulation. Massage, on the other hand, involves repeatedly pressing, squeezing, and kneading to stimulate the reflex areas and acupoints of various parts of the body, thereby promoting blood circulation and accelerating the elimination of metabolic products. If you feel that various toxins accumulated in your body will disappear with sweating and the pain during the massage period. At the same time, massage can also regulate cell pH, maintain fluid pH balance, and enhance immunity.

In addition, there are also functions of the meridians and nervous system. Meridians are a material organization that traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes, and they are closely related to the internal organs and external environment of the human body. Meridians run through various parts of the human body, and massaging acupoints can stimulate the body's meridian system, relieve congestion, improve blood circulation, and alleviate discomfort symptoms.

In addition, massage can also stimulate nerve endings. After the vibration massage and deep kneading movements of the massage chair machine, the body will produce medical small molecules such as phenolic amines and acetylcholine, which are similar to endocrine substances in the human body. Through the pressure stimulation of muscle tissue, the nerve endings are quickly conveyed to the brain parts that increase the personal experience and pleasure of these substances, which is often referred to as "massage therapy".

In short, as a high-tech product that provides consumers with a healthy and comfortable experience, massage chairs provide a sense of comfort and relaxation, effectively alleviating physical and mental fatigue during rest time. Over time, this will transform into personal creativity and efficient work efficiency, thereby improving the quality and efficiency of work and life.

In summary, modern people should develop the habit of regular physical health care, which not only reduces fatigue but also benefits physical and mental health. When enjoying the comfortable experience of the massage chair, we should also pay attention to some usage methods: gentle, moderate, first soothing and then strong to allow the machine to reach the depths of the body, and avoid excessive or prolonged use. Additionally, if you have any physical illnesses or concerns, you need to consult a doctor or masseuse before using the massage chair.