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What massage advice does a massage chair provide for the body?

Time:2023-04-23 12:50:53

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, massage chairs have become one of the essential leisure and fitness tools in families. The functions of massage chairs are becoming increasingly diverse, providing various massage methods for different body parts. So, what massage advice does a massage chair provide for the body?

Neck massage

The neck is one of the most fatigued parts of the human body, and prolonged work and study can easily lead to neck stiffness and soreness. The neck massage function of the massage chair can alleviate fatigue and soreness of the neck muscles through kneading and squeezing, while also promoting blood circulation in the cervical spine, effectively alleviating the symptoms of cervical spondylosis.

Lumbar massage

The waist is the center of gravity in the human body, and prolonged sitting and standing positions can easily lead to fatigue and soreness in the waist muscles. The waist massage function of the massage chair can alleviate fatigue and soreness of the waist muscles by simulating massage and kneading, while also promoting blood circulation in the waist, effectively alleviating waist pain and lumbar disc herniation and other waist diseases.

Leg massage

Standing or sitting for a long time will easily lead to leg fatigue and muscle stiffness. The leg massage function of the massage chair can alleviate leg muscle fatigue and soreness by simulating massage and squeezing, and can also promote blood circulation in the legs, effectively prevent and alleviate varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis and other diseases.

foot massage 

The sole of the foot is one of the most prone areas to fatigue in the human body. Foot massage can effectively alleviate fatigue and soreness in the foot muscles, promote blood circulation in the foot, and prevent and alleviate foot diseases. The foot massage function of the massage chair can simulate manual massage through rollers and squeezing, allowing you to enjoy professional foot massage services at home.

In addition, when using a massage chair, be careful not to let the massage process be too intense or frequent. Long periods of high-intensity massage may cause unnecessary pressure on the body, and excessive frequency of massage may also cause physical fatigue. Generally speaking, it is recommended to massage for no more than 30 minutes each time and no more than 3 times a week.

Finally, it needs to be emphasized that massage chair can help relieve the discomfort of the body, but it can not completely replace alternative medicine treatment. If serious physical problems occur, it is still necessary to seek medical attention in a timely manner. At the same time, when purchasing massage chairs, it is necessary to choose a reputable brand, pay attention to product quality and after-sales service.