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Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of baby massage chair

Time:2023-04-11 13:48:14

Baby Massage Chair is a massage furniture specially designed for babies to help babies relax, improve blood circulation and muscle development. Since the baby massage chair came out, it is very popular among parents. This article will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the baby massage chair.


Help your baby relax

The baby massage chair allows the baby to lie back in peace and enjoy gentle massage and vibration. This helps your baby relax and relieve stress and discomfort. At the same time, massage can also promote baby sleep, help baby healthy growth.

Promote muscle development

Massage balls and vibrations in the baby massage chair can stimulate the baby's muscles and promote muscle development and growth. Especially for early babies, frequent massage can strengthen their muscle development and improve their exercise ability.

Improve blood circulation

Baby massage chair massage and vibration can also stimulate the baby's blood circulation, promote the body metabolism. This has a positive effect on enhancing the baby's immunity and preventing diseases.

Convenient and quick

Compared with the traditional manual massage, the baby massage chair is more convenient and quick, saving parents the time and energy of manual massage. At the same time, the automatic function of the baby massage chair can also improve the accuracy and effect of massage.


High cost

The price of baby massage chairs is relatively high, and some brand products even exceed 1,000 yuan. This may discourage some families from enjoying the benefits of the product.

Not a complete replacement for manual massage

Although the baby massage chair can provide a quick massage service for the baby, it cannot completely replace the role of manual massage. Baby massage chair only provides mechanized massage and vibration, while manual massage can be targeted according to the specific situation of the baby massage and touch.

Need parental supervision

Although the infant massage chair has an automated function, it still requires parental supervision when it is used. Especially for a newborn baby, parents must always be there to watch over the baby and ensure its safety.

Limited application age

Baby massage chairs are usually only suitable for babies from a few months after birth to around one year old. It also means that parents need to buy multiple massage chairs of different ages to meet the needs of their babies, adding to the financial burden.